20 May 2008

IRB applications and team members

The applications for IRB review now request that you list the principal investigator, faculty adviser as well as the research team members associated with the research project. The list of all pertinent individuals in the application does two things: 1) it shows the IRB who is associated with the research and that these individuals have completed the CITI training and 2) provides for the necessary documentation in who may be involved in the participant consenting process.

The later point is important for, when we in HARPO go and review protocol files, we find that only those associated with a research project are involved in the consent process and have the necessary knowledge to inform participants about the purposes and intent of a study. Plus, it's a good measure for primary investigators to maintain quality control over how the research is being conducted.

So, fill in all names you, as the primary investigator know will be associated with the study. If you don't know at the time of application (waiting for grad students to come on board or are waiting for those helpful undergrads to sign up for study), send an email to the HARPO office (HARPO@umbc.edu) with the names. We'll at the minimum verify these individuals have completed the CITI training.