28 February 2008

IRB application details

To get your IRB application reviewed in a timely fashion, and to make life simple for us, follow these steps:

1) Complete the CITI training program. There's no need to send us a copy of your training certificate as we'll have that electronically. But check off the box on the application that you, your advisor and members of your research team, have completed the training.

2) Fax and/or scan the front page of your application. Please only send the signature page by fax or email a scanned copy only. Electronically submit the rest of your application, via email, to irbsubmissions@umbc.edu. Of course, if there are any parts of your application that cannot be sent electronically to fax or mail to the HARPO office.

3) Check your spelling and grammar. There have been far too many times applications have been submitted with these types of errors. It's best to present to the IRB a well presented application that not only fully describes your research but also shows you'll be ready to interact with and adequately inform subjects about participation in a research study.

4) Allow yourself sufficient time for review of the research. The review cycle has been created to make sure the folks on the IRB have adequate time to review, ponder and make any recommendations about your research study. Remember, the IRB's mission is to provide oversight on all human participant research, with a focus on protecting individuals from risk and safeguarding their well-being. They need the time in the review cycle to do this. So, submit as early as you can to make sure you won't run into participant scheduling problems or not completing your project before the semester ends. The review cycle guidelines are found in the IRB's Researcher's Guide.

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