05 September 2008

How to access the CITI training

As the new semester begins, we at HARPO get quite a few questions on how to access the CITI (or Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) web based training programs.

First, what is CITI? The CITI program is a web-based subscription training service that provides research ethics education to all members of the research community. UMBC subscribes to this service, but you must register to create your own username and password and gain access to the site.

Now, who needs to take what training? Investigators working with people (that means conducting surveys, interviews, assessments, or looking at a person's data) will take training modules related to the IRB or human research. The modules cover topics dealing with social and behavioral research, high or low risk studies and projects looking at previously collected data or specimens. Investigators working with animals will take training related to animal care and use. There are also modules involving topics of responsible conduct of research, such as research misconduct, conflict of interest, publication practices & responsible authorship.

Finally, how can you access it? Pretty easy - go to HARPO training page (http://www.umbc.edu/HARPO/training.html) and select the training that's appropriate for your research. The important thing to remember is to log into the CITI site when you're ready to begin. Remember this: https://www.citiprogram.org/.

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